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Giornata Verde

Slowly but with passion, that is the best way to experience the unspoilt beauty of nature that Emilia-Romagna has to offer

Are you a nature lover? You simply cannot resist the smells and colours of the natural world? Then this is the perfect region for you!

With its vast network of parks and nature reserves, Emilia-Romagna is one of the greenest regions in Italy, a large green lung nestled between the Apennine mountain chain, the plain of the Po River valley and the sandy beaches of the Adriatic Sea.

To make this extraordinary natural abundance available to everyone, there is a long calendar of initiatives called "Giornata Verde" (Green Day) which collects the many regional activities designed to allow visitors to fully enjoy the wonders of nature and the beauty it can offer.

Trekking, hiking, biking, sailing trips on mountain lakes, food tasting events, concerts in enchanted places and much more – Emilia-Romagna is a region that is best enjoyed at your leisure and in complete relaxation.

Every day can be a Green Day if it has these 5 ingredients:

  • Slow emotions
  • Contact with nature
  • Tradition & Wellness
  • Genuine flavors
  • Environmental sustainability


Info - Giornata Verde italian tourist site

Last update 18/06/2024