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Art & Culture

The hospitality of culture

«Sitteth the city, wherein I was born, upon the sea-shore where the Po descends to rest in peace with all his retinue…»
(Inferno, Canto V, 97-99)

It was Dante, the “Supreme Poet”, who first sung the praises of Romagna, where he wrote the entire Divine Comedy. A land of beauty and passion, the greatest poets were drawn to it, and in their rhymes and tercets they painted the most beautiful and memorable pictures of it.

Along the hills that overlook the sea, Giovanni Pascoli’s Romagna solatia is a thoroughfare of monuments and artefacts that are a testament to the thousands of years of history that characterise all the main towns and priceless treasures of a culture that is more alive and thriving than ever.

From the fascinating and captivating Rimini of Federico Fellini, who described its beauty as though it were a soft and sensuous woman, to the views of Ferrara that inspired Michelangelo Antonioni and all his cinema imagery, Romagna is a cinema under the stars.


Ferrara and Ravenna are the two cities of art that conserve a number of UNESCO World Heritage sites, testaments to the history of this region and destinations to be added to the long list of must-see cultural sites that the Italian peninsula has to offer tourists. 

Every corner of Emilia-Romagna is pervaded by culture that often speaks of archeology: from the ancient Etruscan finds in cities like Spina, to the great ruins left behind by Ancient Roman domination.

The splendour of Byzantine art, the legacy of Romanesque architecture, the Renaissance of the Duchies and Lordships, as well as the Mannerist and Baroque periods, right up to the late 1800s, have all left their mark on this region, leaving a legacy of undisputed masterpieces in the fields of art, painting, architecture and sculpture.

Visitors will therefore find sites that are unique the world over, which conserve treasures such as the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, the historic city centre of Ferrara, the Roman heart of Rimini, the network of the Conti Malatesta between Rimini and Cesena and many other!

But breathe art and culture even in the many small villages that dot the hinterland, along the paths dedicated to the master Giuseppe Verdi or film tourism and browsing among the many types of typical crafts.


Cities of art

Typical crafts



Last update 09/07/2024